Creating smooth protest lines on a vehicle is the basis of Each restoring or fixing the entity of a vehicle.5. Sand the cured body filler with 100-grit sandpaper attached to an orbital sander to blend the body filler into the surrounding area.
Attach an 80-grit sanding pad to an orbital sander.
2. Remove the gloss from the repair sphere with the orbital sander and 80-grit sanding pad. Sponge sanding dust from vehicle with a Disinfected rag when no dye remains in the damaged sphere.
3. Pour enough body filler on a piece of cardboard to cover the damaged area of your vehicle's body. Squeeze the correct amount of hardener on top of the body filler. Mix the two components together with a plastic squeegee until the body filler becomes one solid color.
4. Drag the plastic squeegee--loaded with mixed body filler--across the dented area of the vehicle body. Allow the applied body filler to cure.
Car thing fillers consist of two parts that cure to cut a hardened filler capable of filling in the dents of your vehicle. Preparing the item to get the filler and licence applying the intent filler to the vehicle ensures a consistent repair that Testament ultimate the high spirits of the vehicle.