Monday, 9 March 2015

Suggestions For Funny License Plates

Obtain a blithe licence plate that expresses your personality.

You licence plate is not single a legal object of your vehivle, it is further another chance for you to explicit yourself and very personalize your motorcar. You can conceive the licence plate pertain to your car or to something about yourself. Legally you can't have anything obscene or vulgar as your plate, but the specific laws on this vary from state to state -- so you can suggest your plate, but it may get turned down.


Make your license plate a personal saying. For instance, if you are a soccer mom, put that on your plate.


Have your license plate be work-related for a laugh. For instance, if you are a government official, have a plate that says "IWRK4U" meaning "I work for you." Or if you work at a fast food place, have plates that read "BRGRBOY" for Burger Boy. Poke fun at your job to make it funnier because something straightforward like "SCRTRY" for Secretary is not funny, but is more of a statement.

It should read "SCCRMOM." Or if you enjoy running in your Leisure time the plate can say "I