Seal a Camper Shell onto a Motor lorry
Many Motor lorry owners passion the contemplate of a camper shell over the Bedstead of their Motor lorry, and they be obliged the benefits if by the shell. Some agnate it so yet that they liking to adjust their camper shell a permanent division of the Motor lorry. This can be accomplished by using what is confessed as a Motor lorry boot to seal the space between the cab and the shell and fabricate the interior a unified interval.
Overlap the extra six inches of accordion flap on top of the driver's side accordion flap and glue it there with the rubber cement.
Degree the border of the Motor lorry's rear window opening. Decrease the rubber accordion boot six inches longer than the measured length.
3. Slide the spring clips on one side of the accordion boot over the Motor lorry's rear window flange. Slide the spring clips on the diametrically opposed side over the flange of the camper shell's front-facing window. Start with the bottom of the window and work your way around the window perimeter until the top of the window is the only part that is not sealed.
4. Finish the installation of the driver's side accordion flap. The flap should stop halfway across the top of each window.
5. Work the passenger's side accordion flap onto the window flanges until the passenger's side flap meets the driver's side flap in the center.
6. Cut the spring clips off the extra six inches of the passenger's side flap.
7.1. Remove the Motor lorry's rear window and the front facing window on the camper shell. Contemplate the owner's manuals for the Motor lorry and the camper shell for particular window Emigration directions.2.