Friday 10 April 2015

Fresh paint A Hood On The 2007 Toyota Corolla

Delineation your hood can comprehend up damaged gloss.


1. Tape off any parts of the Corolla that you engage in not requirement painted. Applicability newspaper to involve lights, windshields, grills and fenders.

Whether you own a 2007 Toyota Corolla, you may require to distemper the hood to insert damage, either from chipping or the sun, or you might decide to stain it to ante up your automobile a at variance gaze. Whitewash comes in regular spray-paint cans and, depending on the quantity of coats you demand, the hood could yield up to three cans of distemper. In 2007, Corollas came in 11 at variance colours, all of which you can acquisition or match in a tint or Car parts store. Picture your Corolla's hood can be a relatively light do-it-yourself weekend project.

Painters tape can be used to grasp it secure. Further assemble undeniable to tape off the sides and top of the automobile in process whitewash splatters or goes elsewhere of the environment you are delineation.

2. Sand down the hood with sandpaper. Use 300 grit to remove old paint, and switch to 800 grit to smooth down the hood. Using a rag with grease remover, wipe continuously until all sand and debris has been wiped clean.

3. Spray on auto primer starting from the top middle of the windshield. Spray toward the front of the car. Strokes should be long and quick. This helps to prevent dripping of the paint and also helps it to look more blended in. Apply two coats for even coverage.

4. Spray paint the car. Toyota Corollas in 2007 came in 11 colors. If you cannot find the exact color, take a chip to a paint store to match or tell the store clerk the color name for reference. Paint should be applied in the same way as the primer, in long strokes from the top of the windshield side and down toward the front. Paint needs four to five coats to look finished and uniform. Allow time to dry in between coats.

5. Apply clear coat spray paint in the same way that you sprayed the primer and paint. Long, quick strokes work best to eliminate dripping. Spray on three to four coats, allowing time in between each coat to dry.

6. Remove painters tape and newspaper.