Friday 10 April 2015

Locate The Fresh paint Codes On The Chevrolet Lake tahoe

Tint codes or "gloss colour codes"---imprinted on a marker or plate on a vehicle by the manufacturer---serve as a reference for vehicle owners, dealers and competent vehicle painters/detailers to good buy the exact colour of distemper originally used by the manufacturer.2. Administer the glove box. Provided you locked your glove box, unlock it with your keys.

Chevrolet has placed Tahoe paint codes on the Tahoe's "work parts identification sticker." If you're repainting your Tahoe or simply touching up some scarred, scratched or flaked areas, Chevy makes it light to fix and peruse your Tahoe's whitewash codes.


1. Accessible the passenger's side of your Chevrolet Tahoe.

3. Search the glove box for a achromatic paper or silver nickname with "Advantage PARTS IDENTIFICATION" and/or "Achieve NOT REMOVE" written across the top and a series of codes written numerically, alphabetically and alpha-numerically (single numbers, sole letters and letters/numbers combined).

4. Shine your flashlight on the label and look below the series of codes for a blank space followed beneath by the letters "BC/CC" or "U" and a four-digit code. BC/CC refers to the "BaseCoat/ClearCoat" paint used on your Tahoe. U refers to the "Upper" color or body color. If your Tahoe has two tones of paint, look for a U/four-digit code besides as an "L" for the "Lower" or bumper color and four-digit code.

5. Write down the code(s).