Tuesday 23 September 2014

Fix Hail Damage

Locate Hail Damage

Provided your van has been away during a hail Calamity, there's a aerial chance that it Testament be left in a beggared instance. All those dents bad eye passion they could chalk up a quick causatum, however the child's play manipulate of heat on them Testament soon admit your motorcar looking as deluxe as modern, at no positive value to you.


1. Grassland the car in the sunshine. As the metal heats up, the dents will start to pop out naturally. If you have dry ice available, place that in the center of the larger dents for a few seconds to encourage them to pop out. This method is dependent on weather, which may not always be in your favor.

Wait about a minute and then wipe clean with a dry cloth.4. If there are any dents remaining, it is advisable to take your car to a garage to complete the procedure. For the trickier ones, place a wet cloth on top while still hot, which will encourage the metal to straighten out.

3. Cover any remaining dents with foil and heat with a lighter or match for around 30 seconds. As you take away the foil, spray the area with liquid CO2.2. Heat the dented areas with a hairdryer. This method allows you to target particular areas and means you can work on those in the shade. Some dents will come out automatically, while others will be more stubborn.