Monday 29 September 2014

Repair A Window Crank On The Kia Rio

The Kia Rio is a compact machine marketed to body politic on a budget. The Rio comes with either automatic endowment windows or the old-style window cranks. These mechanisms allow the window to go up or down, depending on your needs. If you have a Rio with window cranks that are loose, sticky or not working, there are several methods of repairing the crank. Inspect the crank handle for any tears, rips or breaks on the vinyl or the handle itself. Apply the liquid adhesive over the cracks and tears to repair the crank handle. If the crank is broken beyond the vinyl, use the adhesive to glue the broken crank together.

Pop the cap off the center of the crank where it meets the car door. This exposes the retaining screw. Unscrew this and remove the handle.

2. Squirt several drops of the 3-in-1 oil onto the metal housing where the crank turns the window. Wipe away any excess from the car door.

3. If the crank is beyond repair, you will need to replace it with a new crank.


1. If the adhesive does not hold the break, you will have to replace the handle.

4. Place the new crank onto the housing and screw it into position, then place the cap onto the center. Turn the window crank to test the mechanism after installing.