Friday, 5 September 2014

Ford Mondeo Information

Launched with formidable hopes of stopping Ford Europe from bleeding when it was struggling to stay ecocnomic, the Ford Mondeo was the sense. Not onliest did it avert too losses, it besides conquered the hearts of multitudes of motorcar buyers encompassing the globe.


It took approximately six second childhood for the Ford Mondeo to be produced after its elaborating was initiated in 1986 by Ford U.S. and Ford Europe. The goal was to present a "world car" and be the leader in the D-segment class.

The Mondeo was launched to compete with the Japanese car-makers then taking a huge share off Ford Europe's car sales. Ford's car offerings were criticized as "designed by accountants and not by engineers."

First Generation


Ford Mondeo succeeded in Europe and was voted "Car of the Year" in 1994. The car was also a hit in Japan, but faced challenges in other parts of the world. It was introduced in Australia in 1995 but was discontinued due to stiff competition.

The World

The car's name was taken from the Latin word "mundus," meaning "world," as the plan was to initially sell it around the world under the same name. Aside from Europe, Ford Mondeo was introduced in several parts of the world, including Australia, New Zealand and Japan. In the U.S., it's known as the Ford Contour and Mercury Mystique.

The first Mondeo--launched in 1993--was a completely new design, which resulted in a development cost of $6 billion. The car had a new transmission and suspension to provide a better driving experience.Safety was also on the top of the list with airbags, side-impact bars, automatic brake suspension and Quickclear, Ford's heated front windshield. Interiors were also of a high standard, with plush fabric and sufficient storage space.

Continued Success

Still, Ford managed to bring success to the Mondeo line by taking note of the criticisms and improving on them with each generation. It is now in its 4th generation and has received numerous recognitions. It also re-entered Australia in 2007 with a new model.