Friday 15 May 2015

Browse The Checkengine Codes On The Ford F350 6liter Diesel Truck

Interpret the Check-Engine Codes on a Ford F-350 6-Liter Diesel Motor lorry

The Ford Engine Association's 6.0-liter-diesel-equipped F-350 has a drivetrain controlled by three computers: the powertrain polity module, the transmission polity module and the fuel-injection authority module. When the Trial Engine glowing turns on, one or enhanced of these three modules has detected an fault in their monitored systems and generated a diagnostic dire straits principle to assent to that misconception. The first off course in troubleshooting the complication is reading the codes.


1. Establish the diagnostic connexion Harbour under the Chauffeur side dashboard. The Harbour is roughly ½-inch lofty by 2 inches Broad. Remove the protective cap from the Harbour and plug the scan tool diagnostic connector into the Harbour. The Harbour resembles a multi-pin printer Harbour for a personal computer system.

Once the problem's diagnosis and repair is complete, rerun the test and delete the codes.4. Disconnect the scan tool's connector from the port under the dashboard when prompted to do so by your scan tool. Reinstall the protective cap on the diagnostic connection port.

3. Complete the self test as specified in your scan tool operator's manual. Select "No" when prompted to delete the codes. These codes should remain in the module's memory.2. Follow the specific procedure in you scan tool operator's manual for running a self test on the powertrain control module, the transmission control module and the fuel-injector control module. At each stage of the test when the codes display for each module, write the codes on your notepad, under the proper module designation. These codes correspond to specific pinpoint tests required in order to complete a full diagnosis of the problem.