Thursday, 28 May 2015

Remove A Speedometer Cluster From An '03 Cavalier

Principles mill supplied speedometer Swarm.

Vehicle owners that cherish upgrading diverse components on their cars usually install customized speedometer clusters. In other instances, a blown bulb or defective gauge that needs repair Testament crave you to remove the Swarm from your '03 Cavalier's dashboard. With a scarce household tools you can remove the speedometer Swarm in your Cavalier true in the driveway Homewards. You should expect to spend up to 90 minutes performing the plentiful repair including reinstalling your recent or constant speedometer Swarm.


1. Direct the Chauffeur's door on your '03 Cavalier. On the side of the dashboard within the door opening you should study a dwarf bolt 3 inches from the top of the dashboard -- before it starts to curve. Remove the bolt with your socket wrench.

2. Airy the passenger's side door of the Cavalier and in the alike residence as the Chauffeur's side bolt was, you should this chronology gaze two bolts. Lay the dashboard down on a flat surface, bottom down, to avoid scratching or damaging it.7. Unplug the wiring harness on the rear, right side of the speedometer cluster.

Remove the heater vent farthest to the go. Conclude this by carefully inserting the gratuity of a flat-head screwdriver subservient the backside wrinkle of the trim surrounding the vent. Gently pry the vent elsewhere of lay. Once removed employ your socket wrench to catching outside the bolt on the left side of the vent opening.

4. Unbarred your Cavalier's glove box door. Remove the four bolts along the lip of the dashboard -- top of the glove box door opening -- with a socket wrench. Establish these four bolts except the other three since they are contradistinctive lengths.

5. Locate your defrost grill cover on the top of the dashboard, near the bottom of the windshield. Remove the small bolt at the center of the grill with a socket wrench. Lift the grill cover out of place with your flat-head screwdriver in the same manner as you removed the heat vent.

6. Lift the top of the dashboard up evenly away from its mounting position and remove it from your Cavalier. Remove both of the bolts with your socket wrench besides.3. Sit down in the passenger's seat facing the dashboard.

Detach the speedometer cable from the cluster by pushing down on the metal tab at the base of the connection between it and the cluster. When you push the tab down it with disengage the cable from the cluster.

8. Remove the two securing bolts on the top left and right sides of the speedometer cluster with a socket wrench. Lift the cluster up enough to clear the steering wheel and discard it if you no longer need it.