Tuesday, 19 May 2015

1990 Lincoln subsequently Town Vehicle Airbag Suspension Removal

Removing the air bags from the suspension step on a 1990 Lincoln Town Machine is a extremely straightforward operation. The air bags are what gives a Lincoln its smooth manage all the more on the worst of roads. The air bags can be replaced with springs or yet replacement air bags, and they're no problem to access for replacement, fitting consequent to the spin wells. Raising the van on a jack and fascinating the tire off is completely optional as this engagement can be done either road.


1. Unlatched the hood for access to the fuse panel. Free the fuse panel and fix the fuse labelled " Air Suspension". Pull the fuse away to isolate the air compressor.

2. Direct the trunk and locate the air suspension manual cut off. It will be on the left side of the trunk. Turn the switch to the off position.

3. Ensure the car is parked on a flat and level surface. Locate the air bags under the right rear side of the car.

5. Pull the air bag out from the wheel well. The bag will work its Exit with a little effort.

4. Unscrew the top and bottom bolt holding the air bag in place. Place the bolts to the side.

6. Repeat on the other side of the wheel. There is only two air bags on the car.