Monday 15 June 2015

Repair Body Rust Without Welding

Repair target rust without welding before it gets as well damaging.

Inundate, solidify and snow can be your automobile's worst enemy. When these elements contact the vehivle target in an globe where the reason is unprotected, rust can construction on the metal. This must be dealt with straightaway, or the rust Testament extend to age and fabricate a gap in the metal vehivle object. You can repair the rust without having to weld it by using a bonding info.


1. Disinfected the surface all over the rusted world. Dust it dry. Wipe the surface with a clean cloth to remove dust and debris from the rusted area.4. Mix two-part epoxy putty according to the epoxy package instructions.

Continue sanding even if you notice the rust seems to grow larger. Sand the area around the rust to remove any primer paint or other debris.

3. This environment must be Disinfected from grease, dirt, oil and any other debris.2. Roughen the rust and globe environing the rust with line sandpaper. Cause a sander or 60-grit flapper spin attached to an angle grinder to sand the sphere down.

Mix enough of the putty to cover the rusty area. If the rusted area is large, you will need to mix and apply one batch of putty before it dries and then mix another batch.

5. Apply the mixed putty to the rusted metal and spread it on the metal surface evenly. Use your fingers to spread the putty just as you would clay or any other putty-like material. Press the putty firmly to the metal to ensure there are no air bubbles between the epoxy and the metal. Allow the putty to dry for the time specified on the package instructions.

6. Sand the area with an 80-grit sandpaper using your sander or angle grinder. Blend the putty with the metal so the surface is even.