Monday 22 June 2015

Replace A Window Motor For Any 2001 Town & Country

You can impel the power window motors in a 2001 Chrysler Town & Nation minivan by using the crackerjack dominion switch or the switches in the discrete doors where the motors are located. When one capacity window Engine fails, but, the complete step becomes inoperative. Anyone with basic auto-repair actuality and an day of Leisure time can moderate a Town & Nation window Engine.


1. Remove the Town & Sovereign state's window switch bezel with the trim part. Disconnect the window switch from the door harness by artisan.

2. Remove the mounting screws from the door panel with the Phillips screwdriver. Lift the door panel up and off the door manually. Place the panel aside.

Reinstall the door panel by reversing the method used to remove it. Peel all the tape off the window and door before using the power window motor.

Pull the door harness connector out of the old window motor by hand. Remove the retaining bolts from the motor with a socket set. Pull the old motor out of the door.

5. Insert the new window motor into the door manually. Bolt the new window motor to the door and window regulator with the socket set.

6.3. Stand the Town & Nation's window to the top of the channel by share. Secure the window to the top of the door with the packing tape.4.