Monday 15 September 2014

Inspect Vehicle Engine Pistons

In spite of the secrecy that surrounds most auto repair, there are many mechanical problems you can diagnose and locate yourself. Begin removing engine parts from the top down. Remove only what's necessary. Start with the hoses and wires coming out of the head cover and work your way down from there.5.

Degrease your engine as much as possible before you start working. Engine sludge can make many parts indistinguishable, and having a relatively clean engine will make the entire process easier.

2. Take pictures of your engine before disassembling it, and every time you remove a component. The single most frustrating part of auto repair is putting everything back together. Having a picture to work from will save you a lot of guesswork.

3. Check your auto repair manual to determine exactly disassemble your engine to get to the pistons. You need to remove the engine head, but the process varies slightly by model.

4. That clang and clank in your engine may aftereffect from uneven draining in your pistons. With the right tools you can easily inspect your pistons yourself.



Remove the cylinders, once you've removed the head, and mark the pistons with something non-abrasive, such as fingernail polish. Heat the pistons for one to two minutes, and drive out the pins with the piston pin mandrel.

6. Slide the pistons out of the chamber and clean them in either diesel oil or kerosene.

7. Inspect the pistons. You're looking for any cracks, uneven wearing or other noticeable defects. Make sure you check every last inch of the piston, and pay special attention to the ring grooves. They may be slightly rounded at the edge, but any other signs of wear or asymmetry will cause problems.