Thursday 11 September 2014

Use A Rear Convertibler Window

Provided the rear window in your convertible becomes damaged it not lone lets in the outer elements, on the contrary besides puts your vehicle at risk of duration stolen. Replacing the rear window on your convertible is a relatively easy effort which involves removing the seal from encompassing the window and installing a dewy window. The duty Testament booty you a couple of hours to adequate. You can progression a rear window for your convertible from your community Car store.


1. Intersect out the rubber weatherstripping trim from enclosing the border of the rear window using a sharp blade. Cause an initial reduce in the top of the window and decrease around the edge of the window until you have cut away all of the trim. Lift the new rear window in to the window frame of your convertible. Press the edges of the window against the frame To admit an initial seal to set in place. Leave your convertible for around Day and night To admit a strong seal to set between the window and the frame.

Press the rear window out of the frame from the inside. Have the person outside the vehicle grab hold of the window and remove it from the frame.

3. Use a cloth to wipe away all of the sealant which is left around the rear window frame of your convertible.

4. Apply a layer of urethane caulk around the edges of the window frame using a caulk gun.

5. Pull the trim away with your hand and discard in the trash.2. Enter the back seat of your convertible. Have someone stand outside the back of the vehicle.