Remove rust from your machine these days so that it does not spread.
Rust forms when metal is exposed to baptize and O2. A vehivle is susceptible to rust due to its exposure to the weather elements. Rust spots on a motorcar door are unsightly and diminish the expenditure of the vehivle. Shake the can blooming before operate. Spray a thin coating of the primer onto the affected area of the car door.5. Allow the primer to dry for about 10 minutes, or the recommended time by the primer's manufacturer.
1. Rub an abrasive scouring pad over the rust spots. Rub briskly to remove any loose rust from the door. Applicability 60-grit sandpaper to activity over the universe to besides remove the rust.
2. Spray a bounteous coating of rust neutralizer on the rusted globe of the door. Spread it encompassing using a little tint brush. You can purchase rust neutralizer at most Car parts or territory improvement stores. Confess the neutralizer to sit on the spot for approximately two hours, or the bigness of allotment recommended by the manufacturer.
3. Manipulate a moment coat of neutralizer after the basic coat has Dried apricot completely. Avow the moment coat of neutralizer approximately Day and night to dry.
4. Manipulate rust metal primer to the door. It is big-league to remove rust from motorcar doors before it spreads or completely eats gone at the metal. Most Car intent shops can remove rust from cars for a payment. Save yourself way by removing rust from your machine yourself.
Apply a second thin coat of primer. Allow it to dry and apply a third coat. Let the final coat of primer sit overnight to fully cure.
6. Sand the primer the next day with a 150 grit sandpaper. Sand the area very lightly to smooth out the surface.
7. Wipe the area clean with a rag dampened with water. Go over the area with a dry rag.
8. Apply automotive paint to the area. Look on the inside of your door for the serial number of the exact paint used on your car. Take this number to an auto parts store and they should be able to match the color exactly. If not exactly, they will be able to come close, which will still look better than rust spots.
9. Spray the automotive paint on in very thin coats. Apply at least three coats, allowing the paint to dry for at least two hours in between coats. Additional coats may be necessary to blend the new paint with the old.