Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Switch The Rocker Sections Inside A Silverado

Interchange the Rocker Panels in a Silverado

Rust generally forms on the rocker panels of a Chevrolet Silverado after mud has ripen into stuck to them and allowed to endure for enlarged periods of era. Once rust is formed, it can quickly spread across the surface and on ice the leaf metal of the rocker panels. Happily, there are plain replacement rocker panels for the Silverado, so once you remove the elderly panel, you can fit and weld a contemporary one into corner with no want to chop elsewhere dissimilar panels.


1. Control the fresh rocker panel up to the Silverado To gauge the vastness. Speck the Motor lorry with a permanent marker along the edges of the au courant panel.

2. Exercise a grinder and cutoff circle to chop along the marker limit. Abbreviate outside the abundant cut that is glaring off, along the top, backside and sides. Wear pigskin gloves when handling the grinder and metal, as the metal edges are further sharp.

3. Continue adding tack welds until the entire edge is welded solid. Tack welding keeps the metal surface from overheating, which could warp the metal into unusable condition. Let the welds cool for an hour.

4. Weld along the edges of the panel, joining the new panel to the truck's surface, by using tack welds. Weld one spot at a time, spacing each weld four inches apart until the entire panel is welded. Wear a welding mask and welding gloves for Safeguard. Clamp the late rocker panel in compass using entity clamps. One shot a hardly any clamps are needed since the rocker panel is light weight.

5. Grind the welds down until they are flat with the surface of the rocker panel. Only grind enough so that the welds are flat, don't grind too much or you may grind through the welds and cause the panel To possess cracks or holes in the future.

6. Apply a small coat of body filler along the welded line using a squeegee. Let the filler dry for one hour and sand it smooth using 180 grit sandpaper. Sand until the seam along the rocker panel is smooth.

7. Sand the entire section including the seam and the new rocker panel using 220-grit sandpaper. This smoothes the surface and prepares the area for paint.

8. Spray a coat of primer over the new panel and the seam, holding the can six to eight inches from the surface. Let the primer dry for thirty minutes. Spray three coats of paint over the entire area, waiting five minutes between each coat. Keep the coats thin to avoid runs in the paint. Wait four to six hours before handling the area.