Wednesday 10 June 2015

Mix Body Filler

Body filler is a plastic putty that is used in the Car Production for a divergency of antithetic repairs. Halt how even filler Testament be needed for the repair by the cavity that is show between the metal and the straight wrinkle.2. Place the amount of filler you will need on a scrap piece of cardboard using a putty knife.


1. Dominion a straight contour over the world to which you Testament be applying the oppose filler. Generally protest filler is used to accomplish a perfectly smooth Stop over a repair. Body filler is a correct thick Play-Doh-like data that requires a hardener in method to come a solid. The hardener must be thoroughly mixed into the filler in cast for the filler to cure evenly. Once the hardener is mixed in, the filler is applied to the affected areas and allowed to cure. After the filler is sanded smooth the repair should be undetectable.

Following the recommendations of the body filler's manufacturer, add the correct amount of hardener to the filler.

3. Mix the hardener into the filler using a putty knife until the filler becomes one consistent color.

4. Apply the filler to the affected area using the putty knife. Use only the amount of filler needed to fill the void so you have a minimal amount of sanding to do later. Let the filler harden.