Monday 27 July 2015

Remove 3m Auto Tape

Remove 3M Auto Tape

Double-sided foam tape fictional by 3M is used to attach moulding and emblems to the exterior of a automobile. When refinishing or repairing your motorcar, these items Frequently necessitate to removed. Residue and leftovers of the 3M Car tape Testament normally carry on stuck to the vehivle and Testament not come off with decent soap and saturate. Here's inspire off that gunk without ruining your machine's Stop.


1. Remove as even tape as practicable with your hands. Dental floss works good for slicing washed-up thick layers.

2. Wash the tape-removal field with a pH-neutral soap and water. Wipe it dry with a clean rag.

3. Sponge adhesive remover onto the tape and allow it to soak in for a couple of minutes. Rub it with a dry rag to gradually work the tape off of the surface of the car. Work in small sections at a time.

4. Soak a rag with the remover and scrub off the residue. Wipe the remover off the surface of the car with a dry rag before it dries.6.

Re-wash the area with a pH-neutral detergent and water. Wipe it dry.5. Remove any remaining residue with a wax-and-grease remover.

Re-wash the area with a pH-neutral detergent and water