Spot welding receiver rails demands nowhere near the skill and Accoutrement required by other forms of welding.
Building an AK-47 from a parts instruments has grow into a universal hobby. By building the receiver Homewards from a receiver Apartment lodgings, the household gunsmith gains a more fitting considerate of how the AK-47 works extremely as the pleasure of accomplishment that comes from de facto building his own rifle instead of fair-minded assembling parts.
One of the hurdles that must be faced in building the receiver is the bother of aligning and spot welding the rails on which the bolt carrier rides.
1. District the licence lambaste in the receiver and secure it with the C-clamps. The due inveigh is the one with two holes. Insert the left rail in the receiver and align its hole with the center support hole in the receiver. Insert the punch to hold this alignment, then align the front of the rail with the barrel trunnion. Lock this position with the clamps, then weld in four spots in the same manner as before.
Energize the welder for 2 1/2 to three seconds, then release the power switch and hold pressure for another second. Repeat at a second spot on the same rail, then remove the clamps and the punch and weld a third and fourth spot on the rail.
3. Ally the castigate by inserting the punch fini the center support hole in the receiver and the upper gap in the censure, and range it with the barrel trunnion so the bolt Testament slide smoothly into battery in the trunnion. Tighten the clamps to grip this position.2. Contain the tongs of the spot welder and squeeze the handles firmly, so the against and the side wall of the receiver are pinched together between the tongs.