The Subaru Tribeca does not come average with parking sensors, which are again acknowledged as backup or rear-assist sensors. This speaker has a setting knob on it that allows you to adjust the sensor's interior sound. If your Tribeca has this speaker, it has the sensors.
1. Assemble sure your Tribeca is in grounds, and then shut the engine down. This prevents you from getting very rapid to harmful exhaust fumes.
2. Approach the Tribeca's rear bumper. Bend down slightly to inspect the rear-bumper cover area beneath the rear liftgate and the license plate.
3. Look closely for the four sensors. The sensors are black and circular; they are about the size of a dollar coin. If your Tribeca has the sensors, you will be able to clearly see them mounted on the rear-bumper cover.
4. Look for the small black attachment speaker inside your cabin. This is usually mounted in the corner of your interior on the driver-side pillar, between the dash and the headliner. Instead, these sensors are available on the Tribeca as a dealer-installed trappings. Whether you're not definite whether your Tribeca has the sensors or not, you can probation the mounting purpose to benefit you complete this. These sensors help when you are attempting to grounds in a tight mark, too as when you're backing up. The sensors mail a slight beep into your Tribeca's cabin when you entertain accelerated to an body.