Friday 18 September 2015

Repair A Rear Bumper Cover

You can applicability aerosol sprays in dwelling of the acknowledged stain spray guns used by mechanics.

Let the adhesion promoter dry for 10 minutes.5. Chop gone a group of wire mesh bulky Sufficiently to completely involve the back of the damage, overlapping 1 inch in all directions. Fill the back of the damage with a bonding adhesive, and then embed the wire mesh into the adhesive.

1. Remove all of the fasteners holding the bumper in habitat with a screwdriver and pliers, and then slide the bumper off of the vehicle. Put the bumper cover on 2 sawhorses to start the repair formation.

2. Scrub the bumper include able-bodied with a motorcar broaden/grease remover. Probation to beget decided the bumper is Disinfected by rinsing it with douse. Whether the drench Ambition up on the surface, it is not Disinfected Sufficiently. Scrub again until the rinse flood runs off of the bumper smoothly.

3. Sand the front face of the bumper insert, and the back of any damage, with 80-grit sandpaper. Whether you cause a influence sander, enjoy it at a low setting. Some bumpers are unreal from a plastic that melts easily and the heat from swiftly sanding can goal it to melt and deform.

4. Tape the bumper back into its infant appearance provided it has been contorted from a collision, and then practice a layer of an adhesion promoter to the back of the damaged environment.Bumper covers are meant to absorb the massive brunt of a collision to protect the frame of vehicles from damage. While fine at absorbing blow, bumper covers are not ideal sturdy, and are easily damaged in all the more infant accidents. You can mend most bumper damage Homewards, nevertheless bent on tearing of a bumper, such as the bumper vitality broken into two seperate pieces, Testament probably demand the maintenance of a know stuff mechanic.


Apply another layer of adhesive to make sure that the mesh is completely covered. Let the bonding adhesive dry completely before continuing the repairs.

6. Remove the tape from the front of the bumper and apply a layer of adhesion promoter to the front of the damaged area. Let it dry for 10 minutes, and then press body filler into the damage with a putty knife, smoothing the filler to blend in with the contour of the bumper. Allow the body filler to dry completely.

7. Sand the filled area with 80-grit sandpaper and then blow all of the dust off with an air compressor.

8. Seal the bumper with a flexible bumper sealer to help with the paint adhesion and to keep the filler in place.

9. Hold an aerosol flexible bumper primer surfacer 20 inches from the bumper and spray the entire front of the bumper, moving from side to side.

10. Spray the bumper with a bumper color coat that matches the other bumper. Color charts can be found where bumper color coat is sold. Let the paint dry and then wet sand with 320-grit wet/dry sandpaper. Rinse the bumper to remove the sanding dust and then let the water dry off.

11. Repeat the painting, drying, sanding and rinsing process 4 times.

12. Paint the bumper once again, let the paint dry, and then sand with 400-grit wet/dry sandpaper. The 400-grit sandpaper will smooth the surface without leaving obvious scratches. Spray the bumper with a final coat of paint and let it air dry overnight for a flawless finish.