Monday, 28 September 2015

Your Window On My Small 2001 Jeep Grand Cherokee Will not Work

Jeep Grand Cherokee competence windows are wired so they can be lowered and raised from the remote switches or the masterly switch. Everyone window has a seperate Engine and window regulator. Some models much hold seperate fuses and breakers for Everyone window. This setup prevents one stuck window from disabling all the windows. These procedures are typical troubleshooting procedures. Provided you cannot treasure trove the botheration succeeding these procedures, revenue your Jeep Grand Cherokee to an automotive shop.


1. Disengage the window lockout on the Chauffeur's side by pushing the Press-stud. A disengaged button will stick elsewhere farther than an busy Press-stud. The lockout Press-stud Testament grasp any window from rolling down from all panels other than the leading driver's seat panel on the Chauffeur's side.

2. Pull the numeral 13 fuse. A burnt or broken fuse needs to be replaced.

3. Blue book for voltage on the rear window lockout switch with a voltmeter whether the back windows peerless ride from the master switch.

4. Test the wiring that runs from the fuse panel to the switch for voltage with a voltmeter. Test the window motor for voltage with a voltmeter, while the window switch is operated.8. Test for power to the motor with a voltmeter. If power is reaching the motor, detach the glass from the window regulator. Slide the glass up and down manually to check for binding inside the door.

6. Inspect the wiring for loose or damaged wires if power is present at the switch. Tighten loose connectors or have damaged wiring replaced.

7. Remove the door trim if the window is inoperable from both switches. The wiring will need to be replaced if power is present at the fuse panel but not at the wiring.5. Test the switch at any inoperable window with a voltmeter if the window is operable from one switch, but not the other. An example of this is when the window works from its own switch but not from the master switch.

Replace the window motor if the window moves easily and the regulator is not damaged. .

9. Test for voltage to the motor. If no voltage is present check for loose or damaged wiring. Tighten the connectors on loose wiring. Replace damaged wiring.