The Audi TT is equipped with airbags that deploy during a collision. Reconnect the negative battery cable to its battery terminal and tighten it with the wrench. Close the Audi's hood.
1. Grassland the van and turn off its ignition. Dehiscent and secure the vehicle's hood. Set the Audi's battery near the front of the engine compartment. Remove the contrary battery cable from the battery terminal by loosening the cable's bolt with the wrench.
2. Administer the Chauffeur's door and set the fuse panel on the lower atom of the sprint, under the steering circle. Pull away the fuse labelled "Airbags" to fully deactivate the airbag course.
3. Unscrew the panels of your steering string with the screwdriver and carefully remove them. Allot the airbag inside the contour. Loosen and remove the bolts holding the airbag in place, located behind the steering wheel, with the wrench. Pull the airbag out until you see the wires connecting it to the Audi's electrical wiring harness. Unplug the airbag from the wiring harness and discard the airbag.
4. Plug the wires of the replacement airbag into the car's wiring harness. Gently push the airbag into the column, ensuring that it does not twist up as you do so. Bolt the airbag in place behind the steering wheel. Replace the column panels and secure them with the screws.
5. Open the fuse panel and reinsert the airbag fuse. They are designed to cushion your oppose and prevent bound injuries. After airbags own been deployed, you demand to modify them. You can retain the airbags replaced by an Car mechanic, on the other hand the billet is besides one that you can engage in yourself, using ethical a scarce basic tools.