Monday 2 November 2015

How To Proceed When You Do Not Have Collision Insurance

Drivers in the USA are required To possess basic insurance on their vehicles. On the contrary, provided the van is paid off, then collision coverage (coverage that pays to allot any damage to your vehicle in the action of an accident) is optional. Provided you don't chalk up collision coverage, there are steps to catching to receive your damages covered provided an accident occurs.


Advantage the camera on your cell call or grab a camera from a nearby store to maintain visual replica of what happened. Whether you don't chalk up access to a camera, jot down as still break as you can, such as the accident end, the honour of the other Chauffeur and their insurance carrier, when the accident occurred, the agnomen of any police officer that responds, and a discription of damages.

Whether a police officer is called, bear the officer scan over your paper money and verify them with a signature and a short sentence that says the dirt is accurate--this Testament ease you provided there are any discrepancies between your paper money and the police Announcement. This documentation Testament not prevent you from having to fee out-of-pocket to involve damages, nevertheless it Testament protect you from duration sued for deeper than the damages are worth and will make it much easier for a repair company to understand the kind of repairs you need when you are gathering estimates.


If you were not at fault, check with the other driver and his insurance provider to see whether or not his policy will cover the cost of your repairs. If the accident was auto-to-auto, you may be covered under property damage liability insurance, which covers damages to property, including cars. If the damage was caused by some sort of negligence (e.i., your neighbor tried to chop down a tree and it landed on your car), then it may be covered either under his property damage liability insurance or under his comprehensive insurance. If you are covered, then file a claim with the company.

Legal Action

If you have yet to be in an accident and are not covered under collision insurance, try putting away a few dollars out of each paycheck to save up for the coverage. The ability to save a small amount for this purpose could end up saving you thousands of dollars if you severely damage or total your vehicle. Lower the premium by opting for a higher deductible.

If you were not at fault, are covered by the other driver's policy, but the insurance company won't pay or is stalling, file a small claims suit. The suit may be directed either at the driver or their company or both, depending on why the insurance company is denying or stalling your claim. If you go this route, look for an attorney who will work on consignment.
