Wednesday 14 October 2015

Get Yourself A Disabled Parking Permit In Massachusetts

Provided you are disabled or mature disabled and are a limited of Massachusetts, you can exercise for disabled parking permits.1. Research the disability conditions detailed in the Massachusetts Registry of Engine Vehicles (RMV) rules to bias whether you obtain a qualifying disability.2. Download and print the Employ for Disabled Parking Advertisement/Plate from the Massachusetts RMV website.

Most disabled persons who conformed the criteria for disability under Massachusetts code are issued a disabled parking advert. Disability licence plates are sole available for disabled veterans or for disabled persons who accept a motorcycle.


Full all of the sections on the front page of the application form, including the applicant certification.

3. Give the application to your physician or other recognized health care provider to certify the medical diagnosis. The medical professional also designates the disability as temporary or permanent, and estimates the number of months for a temporary disability.

4. Send the completed and certified application to the Massachusetts RMV Medical Affairs Branch at the address shown on the form. The form can also be submitted in person to the RMV.