Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Retrofitting R12 To R134 Inside A Toyota

Whether you own an older design Toyota vehicle equipped with an air conditioning method containing R-12 (Freon) refrigerant, you may demand to retrofit the step to custom less expensive, and eagerly available, R-134A refrigerant. R-12 refrigerant is extremely expensive and restricted by statute. One a know stuff repair technician certified in recovery and recycling procedures can function or repair this type of transaction. Retrofit kits and R-134A refrigerant are available to the habitat mechanic at most Car parts stores.


Remove the 10 mm retaining nuts that attach the receiver/drier to the vehicle with a 10 mm wrench then lift the Element absent of the engine compartment.3. Pour three ounces of PAG oil into the new receiver/drier. Attach the new receiver/drier to the vehicle and tighten the 10 mm retaining nuts securely with the 10 mm wrench.

2. Remove the receiver/drier. In Toyota air conditioning systems, this is the charcoal or silver cylinder-shaped Element attached to the Chauffeur's side of the engine compartment near the condenser in front of the radiator. Disconnect the A/C lines from the receiver/drier by removing the two 12 mm retaining nuts that attach the lines with a 12 mm wrench.1. Evacuate the existing R-12 refrigerant from the operation. This must be done by a certified licensed technician, and the servicing is available at most Car repair shops. The measure ensures that R-12 refrigerant is contained and not allowed to escape into the atmosphere.

Replace the rubber seals on the A/C lines, supplied with the new receiver/drier, and attach them to the new receiver/drier with the 12 mm wrench.

4. Screw the retrofit fittings onto the original A/C service ports located on the A/C lines in the engine compartment and tighten them securely with a wrench. Refer to a service manual for the exact location of these ports for your specific Toyota vehicle.

5. Snap the quick-disconnect fittings onto the end of the hoses of an A/C gauge set to the retrofitted service ports. Screw the center hose of the gauge set to the inlet of the vacuum pump. Plug the power cord of the pump into an electrical outlet and turn it on. Open both shut-off valves located on the front of the gauge set and allow the vacuum pump to run for one hour.

6. Close the shut-off valves and turn off the vacuum pump. Unscrew the center hose from the pump and screw the can tap supplied with the gauge set to the center hose. Screw a can of R-134A refrigerant onto the tap and open the can of refrigerant by screwing the knob on the tap into the can to puncture the seal. Unscrew the knob to allow refrigerant to flow into the gauge set.

7. Start the engine and turn the A/C on to maximum cooling. Open the blue shut-off valve on the gauge set to allow the refrigerant to enter the A/C system. When the can is empty, close the valve and remove the can. Refer to your service manual for the specific refrigerant capacity for your Toyota vehicle. Add additional cans in the same manner until the specified amount is in the system.